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Problems Of Compensation For Moral Damage Caused To The Consumer

Babayev Djahongir Ismailbekovich , Professor, Candidate Of Judicial Science, Department Of Civil Law, Tashkent State University Of Law, Uzbekistan


The article examines the problems of compensation for moral damage caused to the consumer by defects in goods, work performed or services rendered. The article analyzes domestic and foreign law enforcement practice on the issues of compensation for moral damage to consumers and points to the absence of clear criteria for determining the amount of moral damage both in the Republic of Uzbekistan and in foreign countries. The article points to the existing disagreements between the plaintiffs and the judges in determining the amount of compensation for non-pecuniary damage. The rights of individuals and legal entities to claim compensation for moral damage are distinguished.


Consumer, moral damage, moral suffering, product shortcomings, honor, dignity, compensation, rationality, justice


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Ismailbekovich, B. D. . (2021). Problems Of Compensation For Moral Damage Caused To The Consumer. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 3(06), 6–12.