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P.S. Masondo , Faculty of Law, Rhodes University, South Africa


Discipline within criminal justice systems is crucial for maintaining integrity, accountability, and the effective administration of justice. This study explores the boundaries of discipline in criminal justice practices, focusing on how disciplinary measures are applied, their scope, and their impact on the overall efficacy of the system. Utilizing a multi-method approach, the research combines quantitative analysis of disciplinary records with qualitative case studies and interviews with key stakeholders, including law enforcement officers, judicial officials, and correctional staff. The study examines various dimensions of discipline, including procedural fairness, the enforcement of ethical standards, and the mechanisms for addressing misconduct. Findings reveal that while disciplinary measures are essential for upholding professional standards, there are significant variations in their application across different jurisdictions and roles within the criminal justice system. Key issues identified include inconsistencies in disciplinary practices, the influence of organizational culture, and the challenges of balancing enforcement with support for professional development. The study concludes with recommendations for enhancing disciplinary frameworks, emphasizing the need for standardized procedures, improved transparency, and stronger oversight to ensure that discipline effectively contributes to the integrity and efficiency of criminal justice practices.


Discipline, criminal justice, ethical standards


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P.S. Masondo. (2024). EXPLORING THE BOUNDARIES OF DISCIPLINE IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE PRACTICES. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 6(10), 9–15. Retrieved from