Javlon Abdazimov , Researcher, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
Political principles in China, formed under traditional Chinese ideology, were in some ways opposed to the teachings of Confucianism. Sun Yat-sen, the father of the Chinese state, mainly sought to create a strong liberal political state within society, based on the formation of China’s historical political culture, which is called “the reverse direction of totalitarianism”, and is considered to have unique national values compared to other countries. China's cultural and political ideologies are based on the idea of loyalty to historical heritage and traditions, and it is necessary to promote nationalism and identity by preserving ideological and humanitarian principles from the influence of globalization. At the beginning of the 20th century, the influence of the Western modernization model of development entered, and from the end of the 20th century, the national path of development was revived and the system of national ideological values became popular. The Chinese have never claimed economic, political or intellectual equality. An individual's upward or downward mobility economically, politically, or academically was believed to be slowed or accelerated by the influence of his family. However, hard work and mobility were constantly noticeable.
Politics, ideology, political relations
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