Pelekeh H. Tapang ,Abstract
The work critically engulfs the events surrounding the January 6 riot, interactions, Trump’s alleged involvement, and the application of the 14th Amendment’s Section 3. The central question of the study puzzles on whether the said Amendment grants States jurisprudence to determine or alter presidential immunity. Drawing on Montesquieu's theory of separation of powers - a natural pillar of Federalism that was fundamental in drafting the US Constitution, the work embarks on an exploration that investigates the intersections of States prerogatives on Federal institutions. Building on these constructions, the work delves into intricate legal debates interlocking constitutional interpretation, and emphasizing its potential ramifications. The study employs comparative methodology; incorporating the ten Southern-States that barred Abraham Lincoln, and the case of USA vs Nixon. The approach illuminates political materialism, an enduring theme in American politics, thus, producing a better understanding of the state of the art, through the intrinsic corollaries of federalism in the ever evolving extensive milieus of political constitutionalism and legal canons.
14th Amendment, Federal/States Jurisprudence, Separation of Powers
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