Abrorbek Mamajanov , Independent researcher of Tashkent State University of Law UzbekistanAbstract
Deprivation of a certain right is a measure of conditional punishment, the essence of which is not only the removal of the convicted person from performing certain duties, but also the deprivation of his right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities during the period established by the sentence. Article 45 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes that the deprivation of a person of a certain right consists in prohibiting the perpetrator from holding a particular position at enterprises, institutions or organizations, or engaging in one or another activity during the period appointed by the court. Deprivation of a certain right has a preventive character, pronounced as a measure of punishment. The application of this punishment is mainly due to the need to prevent the re-commission of these crimes by persons who have committed crimes related to the abuse of available opportunities in connection with their position or activities. This article highlights the specifics of punishment for deprivation of a certain right in the criminal legislation of foreign countries.
Deprivation of a certain right, criminal punishment, deprivation of liberty
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