Jengis Maratovich Ermashev , Doctor Of Philosophy In Law (Phd), Independent Researcher, Tashkent State University Of Law, UzbekistanAbstract
This article examines the development of legislation that provides for criminal liability for smuggling. It focuses on issues such as the first stages of the fight against smuggling in the history of the world, the introduction of the customs service to fight against smuggling in the territory of our country, and the determination of liability for smuggling in the codified criminal law. In particular, "smuggling" as a crime appeared in the 14th century, when capitalism was forming, commodity-money relations were developing rapidly, and countries found it unprofitable to import and export goods without obstacles. Also, this article provides a comparative analysis of the issue of liability for smuggling in the criminal laws of 1926, 1959 and 1994. The need and importance of improving the norms of the criminal law in the relevant periods has been revealed.
Smuggling, development of criminal law, customs work
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