Farkhod Mardanov , Independent Researcher Of Law Enforcement Academy Of The Republic Of UzbekistanAbstract
The article describes some considerations on the analysis of objective signs of crimes related to the use and protection of land by the author. Also, the author notes that today the land and its use are of strategic importance. Nevertheless, cases of violation of the procedure for the protection and rational use of land, which is our national wealth, by subjects, officials and citizens operating economic activities on the basis of various forms of ownership in a market economy, have appeared in practice in many cases. The main reason for this is the insufficient level of environmental legal consciousness and culture of the subjects of law, the absence of gaps in the relevant legislation, the formation of a mechanism for the implementation of existing legislation into life. This leads to various violations in the field of land use. In this respect, it is important to research objective signs of an act in determining the responsibility for this type of crime. The author investigated this topic, substantiating the appropriateness of the inclusion of a rule that states that a person who committed the crime of selling a right to a plot of land or part of it or illegally giving it to another person can be released from criminal liability if he confesses to his guilt, reconciles with the victim and eliminates the damage caused.
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