Dr. Firyuza A. Mukhitdinova , Doctor Of Law, Professor Of The Tashkent State Law University, UzbekistanAbstract
The article discusses the functions, the concept of a welfare state. Studied social security as a function of the welfare state. The author paid attention to the ideas, emergence and development of the social state. And also analyzed the constitutional foundations of the social state and its significance for the citizens of Uzbekistan .The exercise of the constitutional right to social security can be organized in various forms, which are usually distinguished according to such features as the range of those provided; sources and methods of formation of funds to finance relevant activities; types of security; conditions and amounts of security; security agencies.
State,, sociality, law, guarantee
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights / / UN General Assembly of December 10, 1948 (ratified by the Republic of Uzbekistan on September 30, 1991) )
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