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Boltaev Mansurjon Sotivoldievich , PhD in Law Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law, Tashkent State University Law, Uzbekistan


This article states that, unlike compulsory health insurance, voluntary health insurance is based on the freedom of contract, agreement of the parties and voluntary determination of the insured event, insurance conditions, types of medical services provided, sum insured. Therefore, the concept and features of the contract of voluntary medical insurance, the procedure for its conclusion, the importance of determining the subject of the contract are investigated. Also important is the role of the voluntary medical insurance contract in the system of insurance relations, the procedure and conditions for its application in the legislation and the formation of a special legal framework governing these relations. The article analyzes the concept and features of a medical insurance contract.


Medical insurance, voluntary medical insurance


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Boltaev Mansurjon Sotivoldievich. (2022). CONCEPT OF VOLUNTARY HEALTH INSURANCE CONTRACT. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 4(01), 73–79.