Liberalization Of Ideological Threats In Europe In The Late Twentieth And Early Twenty-First Centuries
Muminkhujaev Abrorkhuja Muksumkhodjaevich , Uzbekistan Republic Internal Affairs Ministry Boarding-School English Language Teacher UzbekistanAbstract
The article discusses the history of liberalism and the reasons why is it playing a key role in the politics of European countries. The article also analyzes the practical and vital role of liberalism in the political and social life of European countries. In particular, the positive results of the liberal approach to threats that contradict European culture, mentality, ideology (Nazism, nationalism, LGBT movement, local separatism) are illustrated with examples. Through the article the author tries to proove liberalism is the most apt way to solve political and social problems for the time being.
Liberalism, same-sex marriage, nationalism, Nazism, ideology, The European Union, speech freedom, right, political, sexual morality, Civil Code, Crimea, “Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace”
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