Research On The Choice Of “Ambronat” Syrup Technology
Yunusova Kholida Mannanovna , Professor, The Department Of Industrial Technology Of Medicines, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Uzbekistan Abdijalilova Zilola Hikmatullaevna , Doctoral Student (DSc) The Department Of Industrial Technology Of Medicines, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
This article is devoted to the study of factors influencing quality indicators in experimental research (identification - analytical) and in determining the quality of the finished product. Dedicated to the research on the selection of the composition of "Ambronate" syrup, it contains the results of research on the selection of excipients and technology, as well as the quality of the finished syrup.
Syrup, organoleptic, critical stages, technological, bioactive, specification, pH environment, ingredient, temperature, organolepticcritical stage
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