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Modern Scientific Research In Oncological Diseases

Parpieva Odinakhon Rakhmanovna , Senior Teacher, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan
Ostanaqulov Alijon Dadajon Ugli , Master Student, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan


The flow of information all over the world, the process of globulation, the rush of individual relations do not transfer its influence on the human psyche. As a result of external factors provoking negative changes in the human psyche, emotional exposure, tension, in general, a violation of the normative indicator of the state of health, psychosomatic disorder arises.

The role of human psychics in the origin, course and treatment of cancer as a result of the achievements of science, the integration of science has been reflected in the research carried out in the second half of the 20th century.


Oncological disease, psycho-therapeutic effect, psycho-oncology, carcinogenesis, cognitive disorders, negative energy, energy body, genesis, emotional state, adequate attitude, psychotopia, mental factors, psychological help, stress, psychocorrection program


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Parpieva Odinakhon Rakhmanovna, & Ostanaqulov Alijon Dadajon Ugli. (2021). Modern Scientific Research In Oncological Diseases. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(03), 117–121.