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Competence Approach Is An Integrating Factor Of Training Future Doctors

Ashurova Oyistaxon Yuldashevna , Fergana Branch Of The Tashkent Medical Academy, Assistant Of The Department Of Epidemiology And Treatment, Fergana City, Uzbekistan


The article reveals the essence of the concepts of "competence" and "competence-based approach", highlights the signs of competence. The difference between the content of the competence-based approach and the traditional one (knowledge-centric) is shown. The role of the competence-based approach in the training of future doctors is revealed.


Competence, professional competence, competence-based approach


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Ashurova Oyistaxon Yuldashevna. (2021). Competence Approach Is An Integrating Factor Of Training Future Doctors. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(03), 89–93.