Optimising Hygienic And Surgical Aspects Of Prevention, Early Diagnosis And Treatment Of Echinococcal Disease
Jasurbek Mahmudjonovich Butaboev , Assistant Professor, Department Of General Surgery And General Hygiene Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan Guli Islamovna Shaikhova , Doctor Of Medicine, Professor, Department Of "Nutrition, Hygiene Of Children And Adolescents Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan Adham Lutfullaevich Kasymov , Doctor Of Medicine, Assistant Professor, Department Of General Surgery, Andijan State Medical Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
In this scientific report, the authors analyze the results of epidemiological examination cards, as well as the medical history of operated patients for echinococcal disease. The studies were carried out by the authors according to the generally accepted methodology for a retrospective epidemiological analysis of the incidence rate and at the same time an application form was created for examining patients suffering from hydatid disease. According to the authors, the developed “Model of the program of complex medical and diagnostic measures” is intended for early detection and for drawing up a plan for hygienic and surgical complex measures for echinococcal disease. The authors used highly informative research methods (ultrasound, CT, MSCT), as well as biochemical and morphological studies of patients with echinococcal disease in the pre- and postoperative period.
Echinococcal disease, epidemiological examination, “questionnaire card”,, surgical treatment, antiparasitic pharmacotherapy
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