Treatment and prevention of acute suppurative otitis media
Khondamir Jurayev , Assistant, Department of Stomatology and Otorhinolaryngology, Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health, Fergana, Uzbekistan Umrbek Akhmadjonov , Student, Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health, Fergana, UzbekistanAbstract
This article provides a comprehensive overview of the clinical course, diagnosis, effective treatment methods, and prevention strategies for acute suppurative otitis media (ASOM). The discussion includes an analysis of the disease's progression and potential complications across different age groups, highlighting the importance of timely and appropriate management. Key treatment approaches, such as antibiotic therapy, pain management, and surgical interventions when necessary, are reviewed. Additionally, preventive measures, including vaccination and lifestyle modifications, are emphasized to reduce the incidence and severity of ASOM. This article aims to equip healthcare professionals with updated knowledge to improve patient outcomes and mitigate the risks associated with this common yet potentially serious condition.
Acute suppurative otitis media, otorhinolaryngology, diagnostics
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