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Study Of The Chemical Composition Of The Liquid Extract "Extradent"

Shokhida Saitovna Yuldasheva , Assistant, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Uzbekistan
Nodira Abdulxamitovna Yunuskhodjaeva , Doctor Of Pharmaceutical Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Uzbekistan
Shakhriddin Shavkat Ugli , Junior Researcher, Institute Of Bioorganic Chemistry, Academy Of Sciences Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
Alimjon Davlatboevich Matchanov , Doctor Of Chemical Sciences (DSc), Leading Researcher, Institute Of Bioorganic Chemistry, Academy Of Sciences Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan


The quantitative content of flavonoids of the aerial part of the plant was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).  Using the inductively coupled plasma   mass   spectrometry   (ICP-MS)   method,   the   quantitative   content   of   vital   macro-and microelements in the various vegetative organs of the plant was determined.


Flavonoids, microelements, macroelements, HPLC,, ICP/MS


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Shokhida Saitovna Yuldasheva, Nodira Abdulxamitovna Yunuskhodjaeva, Shakhriddin Shavkat Ugli, & Alimjon Davlatboevich Matchanov. (2021). Study Of The Chemical Composition Of The Liquid Extract "Extradent". The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(03), 1–11.