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Evaluation of radiographers knowledge about radiation safety and cancer risks of ionizing radiation exposure

Walid Mahmoud Khalilia , Department of Forensic Science, Al Istiqlal University, Jericho, Palestine


Ionizing Radiation (IR) crucial to both therapeutic and diagnostic methods. However, it has hazardous exposure effects on patients and workers in radiation environment personnel. This study aimed to assess the level of knowledge among radiographers working in the private and public hospitals in Palestine about radiation safety and cancer risks of radiation exposure. Online questionnaires were distributed to 74 radiographers at seven private and public hospitals in Palestine. Four demographic characteristics and 17 several options questions about radiation protection were included in the survey. This study revealed that the mean of correct scores was (7.20) out of 17 enquiries from Palestinian radiographers on radiation safety. The current investigation revealed a inadequate knowledge of radiation protection and safety. (40.5%) of the radiographers admitted seldom received any training about radiation protection. While only (2.7%) of them reported that they regularly attended such training. and (27.0%) they never attended it. The knowledge score according to work experience, hospital type, and gender did not have statistical significance. In terms of academic level showed significant differences (P< 0.05), postgraduates’ level of knowledge score was (10.2±2.13), higher than undergraduates (6.88±1.51). The results show that the radiographers involved in this study lacked sufficient understanding on radiation protection and safety. Therefore, the most crucial topic is the administrations of the foundations using radiation have to exercise prudence by supplying staff or the essential infrastructure in the form of equipment and training.


Ionizing Radiation, Radiation Dose, Cancer Risks, Radiation Safety


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Walid Mahmoud Khalilia. (2025). Evaluation of radiographers knowledge about radiation safety and cancer risks of ionizing radiation exposure. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 7(01), 6–14.