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Sh.A. Shadmanov , Republican Scientific Research Practical Center for Otolaryngology and Head Neck Diseases, Uzbekistan
J.A. Djuraev , Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan


Inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses (PNS) are the most common among the upper respiratory tract pathologies and account for 87% of all visits to an otolaryngologist. In recent years, there has been an increase in this group of diseases, despite new methods of diagnosis and treatment. In the Russian Federation, about 10 million people suffer from acute rhinosinusitis (RS) annually. Among RS, frontal sinusitis occupies a significant place, which can manifest itself in edematous infiltrative or exudative forms and be aggravated by orbital and intracranial complications. The increase in the number of inflammatory diseases of the PNS is associated with urbanization, an increase in the number of acute respiratory viral infections, inhaled allergens, a decrease in the resistance of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, an increase in the resistance of microflora to antibiotics, and irrational antibiotic therapy. Clinical signs of frontal sinusitis cannot always help in making a diagnosis. The leading clinical sign – local pain symptom in the superciliary region – may be absent in a significant proportion of patients. The disappearance of local pain does not always indicate recovery of patients. Previously (before 2001) it was described that local headache both in acute frontal sinusitis and in exacerbations of the chronic process is an absolute indicator in the diagnosis of the disease. In recent years, this thesis has been significantly questioned, diagnostic positions have been revised. In 28–30% of patients, the leading clinical sign – local headache – was absent or was expressed very weakly.


Frontal sinusitis, frontal sinus, rhinosinusitis


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Sh.A. Shadmanov, & J.A. Djuraev. (2024). METHODS OF DIAGNOSTICS OF FRONTITIS (LITERATURE REVIEW). The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 6(08), 26–32.