Samieva Gulnoza Utkurovna , Dr. M.Sc., Professor, Head Of The Department Of Pat Physiology, Samarkand State Medical University Republic Of Uzbekistan, Samarkand Uzbekistan Bakhranova Malika Shavkatovna , Samarkand State Medical University Republic Of Uzbekistan, Samarkand, Uzbekistan Bakiev Shavkat Sherzodovich , Samarkand State Medical University Republic Of Uzbekistan, Samarkand, UzbekistanAbstract
Chronic laryngitis, characterized by inflammation of laryngeal tissue, is the most commonly diagnosed organic voice disorder, but treatments targeting putative etiologic factors have shown limited effectiveness. A major obstacle to the development of improved treatments for chronic laryngitis is a fundamental gap in knowledge regarding the pathophysiology of laryngeal inflammation. This article provides a review of the literature on the polymorphism of chronic laryngitis.
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