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Abduvaliyeva Chulpanoy Mukhammadjonovna , Associate Professor of Pediatric Surgery Department, Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Usmonov Shavkatbek Malikovich , Head of Pediatric Surgery Department of the Andijan Branch of the Republican Scientific Center of Emergency Center, Uzbekistan
Kadirov Komiljon Zakirjanovich , Associate Professor of Pediatric Surgery Department Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Shukrullo Kuchkarovich Khalilov , Assistant of pediatric surgery department Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Abdulazizov Jasurbek Gulamovich , Resident physician of pediatric surgery department of Andijan branch of Republican Scientific Center of Emergency Center, Uzbekistan
Isroilov Shukhrat Shokirovich , Resident doctor of pediatric surgery department Resident doctor of pediatric surgery department of the Andijan branch of the Republican Scientific Center of Emergency Center, Uzbekistan


Acute appendicitis is the most common urgent disease in pediatric surgery (75% of emergency operations). Not only pediatric surgeons, but also pediatricians, pediatric gastroenterologists, and pediatric gynecologists have to deal with appendicitis in children. In childhood, inflammation of the cecum develops rapidly, which causes an increase in destructive changes in the appendix in a relatively short time. With appendicitis in a child, the peritoneum is often involved in the inflammatory process, leading to the development of appendicular peritonitis. The peak incidence of appendicitis in children (more than 80% of cases) is at school age, in preschool children the disease occurs in 13%, in toddlers - in 5% of cases.



Acute appendicitis, appendicular peritonitis, clinical symptoms


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Abduvaliyeva Chulpanoy Mukhammadjonovna, Usmonov Shavkatbek Malikovich, Kadirov Komiljon Zakirjanovich, Shukrullo Kuchkarovich Khalilov, Abdulazizov Jasurbek Gulamovich, & Isroilov Shukhrat Shokirovich. (2024). CURRENT VIEWS AND CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF ACUTE APPENDICITIS AND APPENDICULAR PERITONITIS IN CHILDREN. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 6(02), 63–66.