Bertin Sezan , Laboratory of Biomembranes and Signalling Cell, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin Tiburce Alphonse , Laboratory of Biomembranes and Signalling Cell, University of Abomey-Calavi, BeninAbstract
This study investigates the apoptotic effects of ethanolic extracts derived from Hexalobus Monopetalus leaves on cervical cancer in Wistar rats. Cervical cancer remains a significant health concern globally, necessitating the exploration of novel therapeutic agents. Hexalobus Monopetalus, a plant from the Annonaceae family, has exhibited promising pharmacological properties. The ethanolic extracts from its leaves are evaluated for their potential apoptotic effects on cervical cancer cells in an animal model. Through histopathological examination, biochemical assays, and molecular analyses, the study elucidates the apoptotic mechanisms underlying the anticancer activity of Hexalobus Monopetalus extracts, offering insights into their therapeutic potential for cervical cancer treatment.
Hexalobus Monopetalus, Annonaceae, Ethanolic extracts
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