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Murotov Temur Malik Nizomovich , Phd, Associate Professor, Department Of Anesthesiology And Resuscitation Of The Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Republic Of Uzbekistan
Mi'rzambetov Dastan Qi'uani'shbaevich , Master Of The Department Of Anesthesiology And Resuscitation Of The Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Republic Of Uzbekistan


to study the pathophysiological aspects of cerebral edema and compare the effectiveness of using 15% mannitol solution and hypertonic 3.5%, 7%, 10% sodium chloride solution in the complex treatment of patients with head injury. Material and methods: 90 patients from 18 years old to 68 years old with various traumatic brain injuries and inhibition of consciousness level from 4 to 13 points on the Glasgow coma scale were examined.

Results: infusion of mannitol at the indicated dosage reduced ICP after 30 minutes by 42, 3%, and after 120 minutes it remained below the initial data by 23.9%. Infusion of a 3.5% NaCl solution already by the 30th minute led to a decrease of ICP by 48.6%, and by the end of 120 minutes the ICP remained below the initial data by 35.9%. Infusion of a 7% NaCl solution already by the 30th minute led to a decrease in ICP by 55.4%, and by the end of 120 minutes the ICP remained below the initial data by 39.9%. Infusion of a 10% NaCl solution already by the 30th minute led to a decrease in ICP by 58.4%, and by the end of 120 minutes the ICP remained below the initial data by 45.9%.

Conclusions: the decrease in ICP within 30 and 120 minutes after the introduction of hyperosmolar solutions is more pronounced with iv administration of 3.5%, 7%, 10% NaCl solution relative to 15% Mannitol in calculated dosages, which should be borne in mind in patients with concomitant cardiac and renal pathology.


Traumatic brain injury, hypertonic saline, intracranial pressure


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Murotov Temur Malik Nizomovich, & Mi'rzambetov Dastan Qi'uani'shbaevich. (2023). DIFFERENTIATED HYPEROSMOLARY THERAPY IN CEREBRAL EDEMA IN PATIENTS WITH CRANIOCEREBRAL INJURY. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 5(11), 52–66.