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Shamuradov Ilxom Ismailоvich , Samarkand Branch Of The Republican Specialized Scientific And Practical Medical Center Of Oncology And Radiology, Uzbekistan
Djuraev Mirjalol Dekhkanovich , Samarkand Branch Of The Republican Specialized Scientific And Practical Medical Center Of Oncology And Radiology, Uzbekistan
Kamalova Barno Zafarovna , Samarkand Branch Of The Republican Specialized Scientific And Practical Medical Center Of Oncology And Radiology, Uzbekistan
Raufov Farkhod Makhmudovich , Samarkand Branch Of The Republican Specialized Scientific And Practical Medical Center Of Oncology And Radiology, Uzbekistan


The article analyzes the experience of palliative treatment of 68 patients with dysphagia due to esophageal obstruction. In 61 patients, stenting was performed as planned, and 7 patients were operated on for emergency indications due to progressive dysphagia of the III-VI degree with damage to the upper 5 (7.3%) patients, the middle 24 (35.29 %) patients and the lower third of the esophagus of 39 (57.3 %) patients. Among them, esophageal tracheal and esophageal bronchial fistulas were detected in 28 patients with esophageal cancer. In 9 (32.14 %) patients, a fistula appeared after radiation therapy on the area of the primary tumor, in 19 (67.85 %) it was the result of the collapse of the primary tumor. According to our study of patients with esophageal cancer with dysphagia, men were 43 (63.2%), and women – 25 (36.7%), the average age was 65-85 years. Of the 68 patients with esophageal cancer with dysphagia, the urban population was 23 (33.82 %) patients and the rural population was 45 (66.17 %) patients.

All patients were recanalized and self-expanding stents with a company coating (FLEXTENT) were installed.

The study of morphological variants of the tumor showed: that 39 (57.35%) patients had adenocarcinoma and 29 (42.640%) squamous cell carcinoma.

Based on our analysis, endoscopic stenting should be recognized as the leading method of palliative treatment of patients with esophageal cancer complicated by dysphagia.


Е sophageal obstruction, stent, palliative care


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Shamuradov Ilxom Ismailоvich, Djuraev Mirjalol Dekhkanovich, Kamalova Barno Zafarovna, & Raufov Farkhod Makhmudovich. (2023). STENTING OF UNRESECTABLE ESOPHAGEAL CANCER COMPLICATED BY DYSPHAGIA AND FISTULA. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 5(11), 21–31.