Melissa Alves Aires Marques , Medical student at the University Iguaçu - UNIG, Itaperuna, RJ, Brazil Bianca Gabriella de Oliveira , Medical student at the University Salvador - UNIFACS, Salvador, BA, Brazil Ábila Dutra Oliveira , Resident Doctor Ortopedia E Traumatologia Do Hospital Santa Casa De Misericórdia De Vitória, Es, Brazil Ana Teresa Bastos Tinoco , Medical Student at The University Iguaçu - Unig, Itaperuna, Rj, Brazil Kleina Da Silva Damas , Medical Student at The University Iguaçu - Unig, Itaperuna, Rj, Brazil Laís Ferreira Camacho , Medical Student at The University Iguaçu - Unig, Itaperuna, Rj, Brazil Lívia Piñeiro Nery , Medical Student at The University Salvador - Unifacs, Salvador, Ba, Brazil Matheus Velasco Brito Gonçalves , Medical Student at The University Iguaçu - Unig, Itaperuna, Rj, Brazil Thaís Simões De Oliveira Borges , Medical Student at The University Salvador - Unifacs, Salvador, Ba, BrazilAbstract
Fractures of the femur are common, usually serious and are the result of high-energyaccidents. They can be associated with involvement of other organs, causing deformities and sequelae for the patient, due to immediate or late complications. Anatomical reduction and stable internal fixation are essential in order to achieve the treatment objectives in patients with good bone quality. Treatment is eminently surgical as it allows early rehabilitation and reduces the risk of systemic complications. There are numerous therapeutic options, but osteosynthesis with an intramedullary plate and nail stands out. However, some factors influence the choice of the type of surgical intervention to be performed, such as hospital resources, availability of suitable material for the procedure, trained staff and availability of an image intensifier.
Fracture, Polytraumatized, Femur fracture
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Copyright (c) 2023 Melissa Alves Aires Marques , Bianca Gabriella de Oliveira , Ábila Dutra Oliveira , Ana Teresa Bastos Tinoco , Kleina Da Silva Damas , Laís Ferreira Camacho , Lívia Piñeiro Nery , Matheus Velasco Brito Gonçalves , Thaís Simões De Oliveira Borges
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