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Farida Muinovna Khamidova , Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, pathological anatomy course Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Umarova Farangiz Abdufattoevna , Assistant at the course of anatomical pathology Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Burkhanov Akbar Shukhratovich , 202 group student of international faculty Samarkand State Medical University, Uzbekistan
Kumar Lokesh , 301- group MBBS Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


Hypothyroidism is a thyroid dysfunction in which the thyroid gland is not ready to produce enough hormones, leading to a number of diseases such as sickness, cretinism and myxedema. Thyroid hormones play an important role in maternal development for the brain and body of the child, during the first three months of motherhood the child depends on thyroid hormones delivered through the placenta thyroid hormones until 18-20 weeks of pregnancy.


Hypothyroidism, fetoplacental insufficiency in pregnant women, pathomorphology


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Farida Muinovna Khamidova, Umarova Farangiz Abdufattoevna, Burkhanov Akbar Shukhratovich, & Kumar Lokesh. (2022). FEATURES OF FETOPLACENTAL INSUFFICIENCY IN PREGNANT WOMEN WITH HYPOTHYROIDISM. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 4(02), 23–27.