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Features Of Anemia In Patients With Chronic Liver Diseases

Ismatova Mehriniso Nasritdinovna , Bukhara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Mukhammedzhanova Mastura Hayatovna , Bukhara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


The features of the epidemiology, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of chronic diffuse liver diseases in combination with anemia are considered according to the literature on this problem.

It has been shown that anemia aggravates the course, causes progression and worsens the prognosis of chronic diffuse liver diseases. The incidence of anemia in chronic diffuse liver diseases reaches 80%. Disclosure of the mechanisms of anemia in chronic diffuse liver diseases is necessary for timely correction and prevention of the progression of both pathological changes in red blood and underlying liver disease.


Chronic hepatitis, , liver cirrhosis


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Ismatova Mehriniso Nasritdinovna, & Mukhammedzhanova Mastura Hayatovna. (2021). Features Of Anemia In Patients With Chronic Liver Diseases. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(04), 189–194.