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The Risk Of Developing Anemia In Patients With Chronic Heart Failure And Its Prognostic Value

Akhmedova N.Sh. , Bukhara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Abdullaeva U.K. , Bukhara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Kushaeva N.B. , Bukhara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


Analysis of modern views on the problem of anemia in chronic heart failure (CHF), on the main pathogenetic mechanisms of its formation and the possibility of drug correction. The CHF problem has a number of interdisciplinary aspects. One of the pathologies often encountered in CHF is anemia, which aggravates hemodynamic disturbances and worsens the prognosis in patients. Understanding the mechanisms of the development of anemia in CHF is of great importance for the choice of treatment tactics. The review discusses the views on the pathogenetic mechanisms of the formation of anemic syndrome in patients with CHF. The approaches to its treatment from the point of view of pathogenesis are considered. Anemia in CHF is associated with an increased risk of death, worsening of the course of concomitant diseases and an increase in the functional class of heart failure, but it is a potentially reversible condition.


Chronic heart failure, anemia


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Akhmedova N.Sh., Abdullaeva U.K., & Kushaeva N.B. (2021). The Risk Of Developing Anemia In Patients With Chronic Heart Failure And Its Prognostic Value. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(04), 127–133.