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Clinical And Epidemiological Features Of Bacterial Vaginosis

Rakhmatullaevа M.M , Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


The review article presents the epidemiological characteristics of bacterial vaginosis, data on the
lability of the composition of the vaginal microflora, including the species number of lactobacilli,
depending on the ethnicity of the woman and the geographical area of residence. Literature data on
factors affecting the composition of vaginal microbiocenosis, the most frequently detected types of
bacteria in bacterial vaginosis, are presented.


Bacterial vaginosis, vaginal microbiocenosis


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Rakhmatullaevа M.M. (2020). Clinical And Epidemiological Features Of Bacterial Vaginosis. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 2(08), 140–145.