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The Most Effective Drugs For Pecilomycose

Vahidova Adolat Mamatkulovna , Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Hudoyarova Gavxar Nurmamatovna , Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


Echinococcosis remains a problematic issue in Uzbekistan as well. Many Uzbek and Russian
scientists have been studying the spread of echinococcosis among the population and farm animals
of Uzbekistan. In this article, we discuss of echinococcosis as the main issue in our country.


Echinococcosis,, spread


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Vahidova Adolat Mamatkulovna, & Hudoyarova Gavxar Nurmamatovna. (2020). The Most Effective Drugs For Pecilomycose. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 2(08), 64–68.