Comparative Analysis Of Endoscopic Methods Of Hemostasis In Bleeding From Esophageal Varicose Veins
Kadirov Rustam Nodirovich , Candidate of Medical Sciences, Republican scientific center of emergency medicine, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
The Relapses gastroezofagale bleedings (GEK) beside sick with portal hypertension (PG) are one of
the the most complex problems of modern medicine. As of Worldwide organization of the public
health death-rate from cirrhosis liver and his (its) complications occupies for presentday day eighth
place in structure general mortality. Esohpago-gastric bleedings, forming from 5 before 42% all
gastrointestinal bleedings, are one of the main reasons to deaths sick with syndrome portal
hypertension. The Real danger of the syndrome portal hypertension is connected with bleeding from
varicose extended vein gullets and belly (VRVPZH), since death-rate from the first episode of the
bleeding forms 50-70 %. The High percent of the complications survival and low sick dictate need of
the improvement medical tacticians at bleedings from varicose extended vein gullets. At present for
stop and preventive maintenances of the bleedings from varicose extended вен gullets (VRVP) use
the facility an endockopic, medikamentoz, and surgical gemostaz. Our purpose to introduce in
practical person endockopic scleroterapy and alloying at bleedings under varicose extended вен
gullets. In consequence of which will is reached reduction of the relapse of the repeated bleeding
and complications, miniinvaziveness method and mortality.
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