Morphological Features Of The Immune Structures Of The Thin Intestine Of Laboratory Animals With Various Characters Of Nutrition
Khusanov Erkin , Candidate Of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Of The Department Of Human Anatomy, Samarkand State Medical Institutesamarkand, Uzbekistan Ortikbaeva Nilufar , Assistant Of The Department Of Neonatology, Samarkand State Medical Institutesamarkand, Uzbekistan Korzhavov Sherali , Assistant, Department Of Human Anatomy Samarkand State Medical Institutesamarkand, UzbekistanAbstract
The nutritional nature of mammals, which has developed during a long evolution, leads to adaptive - morphological changes in their digestive tract and its immune structures, although the general laws of their structural organization are identical. The literature has data on the study of the immune structures of the small intestine under normal conditions and under the influence of certain factors. In the structure of immune structures there are numerous parallelisms, however, in each class of vertebrates, complication of this organization is achieved independently. The small intestine is an important section of the digestive tube, where the final chemical processing of the chyme and the absorption of nutrients into the body take place. However, the comparative morphology of the immune structures of the small intestine in mammals with different nutrition patterns remains poorly understood.
Immune Structures, Morphological
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