Anesthesia For Total Arthroplasty Of The Joints Of The Lower Extremities In Patients With A High Anesthetic Risk
Gaziev Z.T. , Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan Avakov V.E. , Tashkent Medical Academy, UzbekistanAbstract
Purpose: to determine the effect of unilateral spinal anesthesia on systemic and central hemodynamics, to identify its side effects in the elderly and senile, with total hip replacement.
Materials and methods: 60 patients of geriatric age operated on under unilateral spinal anesthesia were examined. 44 patients underwent total hip arthroplasty (THA), 16 - total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Inclusion criteria: elderly (from 60 to 75 years). For continuous monitoring of the vital functions of the patient, they used the "resuscitation and surgical" monitor UM 300 (LLC UTAS Company Ukraine).
Conclusion: Unilateral spinal anesthesia is a safe and highly effective technique that can provide full intraoperative pain management for patients with total hip replacement in a high-risk group of patients.
Unilateral anesthesia, spinal anesthesia
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