Surgical Treatment Of Obliterating Arterosclerosis
Zainiddin Norman Ugli , State Institution "Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center For Surgery Named After Academician V. Vakhidov", Uzbekistan, 100115, Tashkent, St. Small Annular, 10. Makhmudov K.O., , State Institution "Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center For Surgery Named After Academician V. Vakhidov", Uzbekistan, 100115, Tashkent, St. Small Annular, 10. Tinibekov M.Х. , State Institution "Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center For Surgery Named After Academician V. Vakhidov", Uzbekistan, 100115, Tashkent, St. Small Annular, 10.Abstract
In the literature review, according to publications of recent years, the state of surgical treatment of obliterating atherosclerosis does not meet the requirements of the time. Currently, all research is aimed at improving the early diagnosis of the disease and their timely treatment by improving the quality and efficiency of surgical intervention.
However, despite a large number of works devoted to diagnosis and prognosis of treatment, there are still many unresolved issues. The accumulated experience indicates the need to standardize the preoperative examination of patients in order to predict the outcome of treatment.
One of the important aspects of this problem is the development of modern tactics and approaches to surgical treatment. Along with them, it is necessary to evaluate the results of treatment, analyze the quality and determine the effectiveness of traditional operations in modern angiosurgery. It should be noted that today there are a considerable number of new methods of treating atherosclerosis obliterans for early and effective diagnosis, prevention and therapy of the disease.
However, some issues are insufficiently studied or contradictory and require further research.
Obliterating atherosclerosis, , causes
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