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Ethiopathogenetic Value Of Vitamin D During Heart Rhythm Disorders In Children

Kamola Nigman Kizi Yakubova , Department Of Optional Pediatrics, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Akida Valievna Muratkhodjaeva , Department Of Optional Pediatrics, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


The article presents the results of clinical and instrumental data of cardiac arrhythmias. Heart rhythm disturbances of any nature change the quality of life. Children are often asymptomatic and often the child's well-being does not suffer for a long time, which greatly complicates the early diagnosis of this pathology and does not allow to accurately establish the duration of the arrhythmia. And in the absence of timely therapy for 4-6 years, most arrhythmias progress, while persistent and irreversible dysfunctions of the myocardium are formed, requiring surgical treatment. To prevent complications, timely diagnosis and treatment is required.



Heart rhythm disorders, , children,


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Kamola Nigman Kizi Yakubova, & Akida Valievna Muratkhodjaeva. (2020). Ethiopathogenetic Value Of Vitamin D During Heart Rhythm Disorders In Children. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 2(09), 27–31.