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Effective Treatment Of Afthous Stomatitis In The Practice Of A Doctor

Sharifa Abdupattoevna Borotova , Assistant, Department Of Training And Retraining Of A Family Doctor, Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


Aphthous stomatitis is a focal inflammation of the oral mucosa, in which round ulcers (aphthae or erosion) form. Aphthae affect the inner surface of the cheeks, palate, tongue, become covered with a gray or yellowish coating, cause pain and discomfort. Usually the disease proceeds chronically, from time to time exacerbates, after 7-10 days it goes into remission.


Aphthous stomatitis, oral membranes


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Sharifa Abdupattoevna Borotova. (2021). Effective Treatment Of Afthous Stomatitis In The Practice Of A Doctor. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(04), 39–42.