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Morphological Peculiarities Of The Spleen In Normality And With The Influence Of A Gene-Modified Product In Experiment

Dilnoza Akhrorovna Khasanova , Ph.D., Head Of The Department Of Anatomy, Bukhara Medical Institute Named After Abu Ali Ibn Sino, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


In the presented article, the features of the structure and function, morphological and morphometric parameters of the main structures of the spleen, which belongs to the peripheral organ of the immune system, are studied, the patterns of development of this organ at the stages of postnatal ontogenesis are revealed. The article analyzes the data of domestic and foreign literature on the influence of environmental factors on structural changes in the spleen at the organ, tissue and cellular levels. Further study of the spleen will make it possible to identify and analyze the patterns of their structural and functional changes when exposed to a genetically modified product (soybeans).


Morphology, Spleen, GMO action (genetically modified product), lymphoid nodules


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Dilnoza Akhrorovna Khasanova. (2021). Morphological Peculiarities Of The Spleen In Normality And With The Influence Of A Gene-Modified Product In Experiment. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(04), 26–30.