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Comparative Analysis Of The Results Of The Endoscopic Treatment Of Gastroduodenal Ulcerative Bleeding

Dilshodbek Mamadaliyevich Khakimov , Doctor Of Medical Sciences (DSc), Head Of The Department Of General Surgery Faculty Of Postgraduate Education, Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Muzaffar Madaminovich Nosirov , PhD, Associate Professor Of The Department Of Endosurgery Faculty Of Postgraduate Education, Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Bekzodbek Baxodirovich Karaboev , Junior Researcher Of The Department Of General Surgery Faculty Of Postgraduate Education, Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


The study includes 557 patients with ulcer of the stomach and duodenal intestine complicated by bleeding. The control group was 290 patients, of which 48 patients with active bleeding were performed by standard endoscopic hemostasis techniques, and in 242 cases, when verifying stopping bleeding, endoscopy was limited to the diagnostic step with subsequent conservative patient management. The main group includes 267 patients in addition to endoscopic hemostasis with active bleeding (46 patients), the manipulation was supplemented with the implementation of the proposed method of endoscopic treatment of gastroduodenal bleeding of ulcerative genesis. When revealed bleeding (221 patients), endoscopic intervention was also accompanied by the implementation of the proposed method.

The application of the composite polymer material over the ulcerative defect contributed to a decrease in the frequency of the nearest recurrences of hemorrhagic syndrome from 9.0% to 1.9%, reduce the need to perform operational treatment from 6.6% to 1.1% and levity indicator from 1.7% up to 0.7%, which generally affected the increase in the share of patients discharged without complications from 90.7% to 97.8% and reducing the timing of the hospital phase of treatment.


Gastroduodenal ulcerative bleeding, applique, endoscopic hemostasis


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Dilshodbek Mamadaliyevich Khakimov, Muzaffar Madaminovich Nosirov, & Bekzodbek Baxodirovich Karaboev. (2021). Comparative Analysis Of The Results Of The Endoscopic Treatment Of Gastroduodenal Ulcerative Bleeding. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(04), 17–25.