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Integral Assessment Of Risk Factors Affecting The Development Of Chronic Kidney Disease And Optimization Of The Way Of Prevention

Akhmedova Nilufar Sharipovna , Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


Everywhere today, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a general medical problem with profound socio-medical and economic consequences associated with its widespread prevalence among the population, disability, mortality due to the development of the terminal stage of the disease. The purpose of this stage of the work was to identify and assess the risk factors associated with albuminuria affecting the development of CKD. Based on these data, a mathematical model has been developed that allows calculating the risk index (RI) of CKD development.


Chronic kidney disease, forecast


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Akhmedova Nilufar Sharipovna. (2020). Integral Assessment Of Risk Factors Affecting The Development Of Chronic Kidney Disease And Optimization Of The Way Of Prevention. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 2(10), 82–86.