Learning Bioavailability Of “Diabderm” Ointment With Method Of “In Vitro”
Khusenova Shakhnoza Shukhratovna , Department Of Industrial Technology Of Medicines, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Fayzullaeva Nodira Sultanovna , Department Of Industrial Technology Of Medicines, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
In diabetes mellitus, a small focus of infection causes significant gangrene of the foot due to thrombosis of the peripheral and central vessels of the fingers. In 35–40% of patients with diabetes mellitus, isolated gangrene of several fingers is noted, and in 20–25% - only one finger. Gangrene of the foot can be dry or with a predominance of anaerobic-non-clostridial infection. Some patients have necrosis or gangrene of certain areas of the skin of the foot or lower leg. The main goal of diabetic gangrene treatment is to keep the areas of wet skin necrosis dry.
Diabetes, , anti-inflammatory
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