Glial Tumors Of The Brain, With Associated Hydrocephalia
Ruzikulov M.M. , Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan Mukhammedaminov B.Sh. , Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan Rahimov I.I. , Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan Burnashev M.I. , Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center Of Neurosurgery Of Uzbekistan Kim A.A. , Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center Of Neurosurgery Of UzbekistanAbstract
Despite significant advances in oncology and neurosurgery, glial brain tumors continue to be an urgent problem of modern healthcare. The proportion of gliomas in the total structure of glial neoplasms is 40-45%, mainly they are detected at the age of 30-60 years, affecting the most able-bodied part of the population. Glial neoplasms, as a rule, develop from cells of the astrocytic or oligodendrocytic population and are characterized by a rapid growth rate of the primary tumor node, invasiveness, a tendency to early metastasis, a high recurrence rate, and a poor prognosis. The primary importance of tumor removal in the treatment of the disease is also generally recognized in cases where the pathological process is complicated by persistent disorders of the cerebrospinal fluid, deformation and expansion of the cerebrospinal fluid cavities. Naturally, the development of hydrocephalus, especially hydrocephalic-hypertensive syndrome, changes the course and prognosis of the disease and requires significant correction of the diagnostic and therapeutic process. As with most malignant tumors, anaplastic types of gliomas are characterized by the intensive development of the pathological vasculature, which accelerates the growth rate of the neoplasm, the rate of invasion and metastasis, and also increases the risk for patients due to the possibility of hemorrhage into the tumor. The nodular type of growth with a clearly defined border and insignificant infiltration is less common in conditionally benign gliomas, which have a more favorable prognosis of treatment. In the end, it is concluded that the described methods do not exhaust all proposals for increasing the effectiveness of the treatment of glial tumors and the development of new methods will bring neurooncologists closer to solving this urgent problem.
intracranial tumors, hydrocephalus
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