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Pathogenetic Bases And Prevalence Of Parasitic Infections In Children: Literature Review

Ibrakhimova H.R. , Urgench Branch Of The Tashkent Medical Academy, Urgench, Uzbekistan
Oblokulov A.R. , Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


The purpose of this study was to analyze the literary sources of recent years dedicated to the degree of occurrence, the structure of morbidity and the pathogenetic basis of parasitic infections occurring in children. In addition, the features of the detection of nematodes, cestodoses and rematodes in different countries of the world are given. The basics of diagnosis and prevention of parasitic infections in children are described.


Parasitic infections, helminthiasis


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Ibrakhimova H.R., & Oblokulov A.R. (2020). Pathogenetic Bases And Prevalence Of Parasitic Infections In Children: Literature Review. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 2(10), 87–95.