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Forensic Description Of Cases Of Noletal Asphyxia

Z.A.Giyasov , Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
S.A.Khakimov , Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the forensic description of cases of Noletal asphyxia. Expertise materials on postasphystic cases in 2017-2020 in three regions of the country were studied. Incomplete asphyxia during this period accounted for 0.31% of the total number of forensic medical examinations of survivors, and the ratio of examinations for nonlethal and lethal asphyxia was 1: 6.6%. Non-lethal asphyxia was more often observed in men, in persons aged 19-39 years, after an attempt at self-improvement, in the morning and afternoon hours. The duration of asphyxia, loss of consciousness, and the severity of signs of brain activity were interrelated. The danger to the life of the victims arose with the development of a severe coma. Based on the characteristics of such incidents, it was emphasized that when conducting forensic medical examinations, medical documents are the main source of objective data.



Postasphic condition, forensic medical assessment, asphyxia


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Z.A.Giyasov, & S.A.Khakimov. (2021). Forensic Description Of Cases Of Noletal Asphyxia. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(08), 58–68.