Characteristics Of Articulate Syndrome In Patients With Reactive Arthritis
Khalmetova F.I. , Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan Akhmedov K.S. , Tashkent Medical Academy, UzbekistanAbstract
In many countries and in our country reactive arthritis (RA) is a topical rheumatologic problem requiring early and individual therapy. Recently in the diagnostics of RA there is an active search of early biomarkers (BM) of articulate structures damage, which provide revealing of the symptoms of lesion of articulate soft tissues elements at the early stages of the disease. It can also help to assess the stage of lesion and prognosis of the disease. Later it will assist to prescribe adequate therapy according to the stage of the pathological process and perform monitoring of the therapy [1].
Subchondral, pathogenetic, arthrosis
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