Allergy In Children With Atopic Dermatitis
Klicheva T.A. , Assistant At The Department Of Pediatric Propaedeutics, Pediatrics And Higher Nursing, Urgench Branch Of TTA, Uzbekistan Ismailova Z.A. , Assistant At The Department Of Pediatric Propaedeutics, Pediatrics And Higher Nursing, Urgench Branch Of TTA, UzbekistanAbstract
Taking into account the fact that these products are daily foods, in most cases it is not possible to establish a clear connection of exacerbations with their intake (according to the anamnesis). That is why in each case food allergy was confirmed by elimination and provocation tests. 65% of the examined children were found to have food allergy, and depending on the clinical manifestations the allergy was registered with different frequency. The results of studies by many authors suggest that children with atopic dermatitis have a hereditary burden with respect to allergic diseases.
Atopic dermatitis, allergy, features of manifestation
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