The Effect Of Uric Acid Metabolism Disorders On The Cardiovascular System In Children With Pyelonephritis
Rajabova N.T. , Assistant At The Department Of Pediatric Propaedeutics, Pediatrics And Higher Nursing, Urgench Branch Of TTA, Uzbekistan Ismailova Z.A. , Assistant At The Department Of Pediatric Propaedeutics, Pediatrics And Higher Nursing, Urgench Branch Of TTA, Uzbekistan Klicheva T.A. , Assistant At The Department Of Pediatric Propaedeutics, Pediatrics And Higher Nursing, Urgench Branch Of TTA, UzbekistanAbstract
Both nephrologists [Vasilyeva M.P. et al., 2015; Mukhin N.A. et al., 2015], and cardiologists [Кuo-ChengLue.a.,2014 ] recognized the fact that most of the currently known risk factors for cardiovascular disease (hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, dyslipoproteinemia, microalbuminuria, etc.) are also risk factors for chronic kidney disease (ChKD). An inverse relationship, i.e. the influence of renal pathology on the frequency of cardiovascular disease detection has been established [Galushkin A.A. et al., 2013]. This fact is especially relevant in disorders of uric acid (UA) metabolism, as the recent literature data indicate a significant role of UA in the development of cardiovascular diseases. However, these issues are intensively studied in therapeutic practice, but they are certainly relevant for pediatric practice [M.S.Ignatova, 2011; VyalkovaA.A.,2012].
Kidneys, dyslipoproteinemia, microalbuminuria
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УДК 616.36-008.331.1-005.6-053.2-089
A.T. Khaziev, S.D. Kashirin, A.A. Mikhanoshina.
Altai State Medical University Barnaul, Russia
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