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Study Of The Effect Of Polysaccharides On Hemostasis

Khoshimov N.N. , Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry at the National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
Nasirov K.E. , Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry at the National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
Raimova G.M. , Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry at the National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
Musaeva M.K. , Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry at the National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
Azizov V.G. , Namangan State University, Uzbekistan
Тuraev A. S. , The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after A.S. Sadikov, Uzbekistan
Murоdоv S.S. , Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan
Inоyatоv I.I. , Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan
Badirdinоv B.R. , Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan
Abdusalоmоv Sh.A. , Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan


The effect of sulfated polysaccharides on the hemostatic system in conditions in vitro. Platelet-rich plasma was obtained by centrifugation at 200 g for 10 minutes. The remaining citrate blood was further centrifuged at 1500 g for 10 min to obtain platelet-poor plasma. The antithrombin activity of the compounds was evaluated in vitro by their effect on the recalcification time, thrombin, and prothrombin time of human blood plasma stabilized with a 3.8% sodium citrate solution in the ratio of 9:1. In studies conducted on the blood plasma of rats, it was found that the studied compounds, to varying degrees, lengthen the APTT, APTT, prothrombin time. At the same time, anticoagulant activity was established to block one of the factors II, V, X. Polysaccharide exhibit a combined anticoagulant effect in the body, due to which they are classified as anticoagulant and antithrombin agents.


Blood anticoagulants, human plasma, antithrombin


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Khoshimov N.N., Nasirov K.E., Raimova G.M., Musaeva M.K., Azizov V.G., Тuraev A. S., Murоdоv S.S., Inоyatоv I.I., Badirdinоv B.R., & Abdusalоmоv Sh.A. (2021). Study Of The Effect Of Polysaccharides On Hemostasis. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(01), 131–138.