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Online Passage Of The Practical Lesson On The Topic" Fluid Flow And Biophysical Properties " In The Module System

Muxiddin Xalimovich Jalilov , PhD On Physics’ At The Samarkand Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Xudoykulova Shoira Narzullayevna , High Assistant At The Samarkand Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Ergashev Askar Jangoboyevich , Assistant At The Samarkand Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Xusniddin Muxiddinovich Jalilov , Assistant At The Samarkand Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Xalikulova Amina Qamariddnovna , 2 Course Student At The Samarkand Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


This article is devoted to the transition of "Fluid flow and biophysical properties" in a modular system. The importance of viscosity coefficient in medicine, its application in diagnosis and forensic medical examination is described. However, the Stokes method of finding the viscosity coefficient, the availability of viscometric methods, the application of Gess (VK-4) viscometer in medicine to find the viscosity coefficient are described.


Fluid, velocity, viscosity


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Muxiddin Xalimovich Jalilov, Xudoykulova Shoira Narzullayevna, Ergashev Askar Jangoboyevich, Xusniddin Muxiddinovich Jalilov, & Xalikulova Amina Qamariddnovna. (2021). Online Passage Of The Practical Lesson On The Topic" Fluid Flow And Biophysical Properties " In The Module System. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(01), 97–101.