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Analysis Of The Assortment Of Drugs With A Sedative Effect

Xidoyatova Zulfiya Sharifovna , Ds Department Of Pharmaceutical Organization Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Uzbekistan
Azimova Nozima Akramovna , Assistant, Department Of Pharmaceutical Organization Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Uzbekistan
Azimova Munira Takhirovna , Assistant, Department Of Pharmaceutical Organization Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Uzbekistan


A content analysis of the pharmaceutical market range of drugs with sedative effect was conducted. In the analysis of drugs with sedative effect, "West trade", "Floromed", "Grand farm", "Tabletka", "Dava", "Shafran farm", "Glucose", "Tetra", "Kobiljon Obidjon", "Pharmacy diabetes", "Navbahor", "777 pharmacy", "999 pharmacy", "pharmacy Malikabonu" pharmacies, the Department of neurology of the II clinic of the Tashkent Medical Academy, the State Department of medicines and medical products the basis of the register was. Determination of the share of products of manufacturing enterprises in the pharmaceutical market was the main objective of the study carried out.


Drugs with sedative effect, enterprises of local production, update index


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Xidoyatova Zulfiya Sharifovna, Azimova Nozima Akramovna, & Azimova Munira Takhirovna. (2021). Analysis Of The Assortment Of Drugs With A Sedative Effect. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(01), 81–86.