Hygienic Assessment Of Emission Influence From A Chemical Plant On Population’s Household Conditions, Well-Being And Health
Zainab Naimova , Senior Lecturer, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan Khurliman Kurbanova , Assistant, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan Honbuvi Khakimova , Senior Lecturer, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan Zokir Bulyaev , Assistant, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand, UzbekistanAbstract
The impact of economic activity, as well as scientific and technological progress on the environment is characterized by production of large amount of pollutants, waste and other factors that lead to changes in natural landscapes, pollution of the atmosphere and natural water resources. Continuous increase and expansion in industrial production of chemicals inevitably entail rise of their environmental load. Exceeding thresholds ecosystems’ reliability under the influence of extreme anthropogenic factors can cause significant changes in conditions of existence and functioning of biogeocenoses.
Ecological system, ammophos production, ecotoxicants
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