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Some Features Of Laboratory Indicators Of Micro And Macro-Elementary Condition Of The Organism Of Female Age Women Innormality And In Iron Deficiency

Z.R. Sokhibova , Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
М.R. Turdiyev , Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


Using unified and developed methods, some hematological, biochemical, and micro-and macronutrient status indicators were studied in women of fertile age with a normal health index and iron deficiency. It is shown that there are certain pathological fluctuations in some hematological, biochemical and essential hematopoietic microelements in women of fertile age with the development of iron deficiency. In particular, there is a hypoproteinemia, hypoferremia, hypozincemia, hypocupremia and hypertransaminasemia.


Microelement status, anemia, deficiency, fertile age


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Sokhibova, Z. ., & Turdiyev М. (2021). Some Features Of Laboratory Indicators Of Micro And Macro-Elementary Condition Of The Organism Of Female Age Women Innormality And In Iron Deficiency. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(02), 140–145.